The Lagree Method
Your Leggings & Your Breath
I used to wake up every morning and the first thing I grab to put on is my leggings.

Shop Local for the Holidays
When you make a purchase from a locally owned store you are investing in your community
Consistency Around the Holidays
It’s no secret that gyms and fitness studios slow down around the holidays. With the hustle and bustle of the holiday season people are busy. We get it. We have parties to plan, food to cook, alcohol to drink, not to mention kids are off from school. It is hard to find time for yourself, let alone drive to a gym and get a workout in.
Transitioning from Pilates to Lagree
If you have done Pilates for a while and you are looking for more of a high intensity workout but still low impact, then you are ready for Lagree. Lagree will help you lose weight and tone muscle much quicker, especially if you come to class at least 3 times a week. In Lagree you will improve your muscular endurance, muscle strength (especially your core), cardiovascular system and your flexibility.

How to overcome Intimidation of the MEGA
I hear it ALL THE TIME. I’ve been wanting to come take a class, but I have been to intimidated to do so. What if I make a fool of myself? What if everyone looks at me? What if everyone is in better shape than I am? and so on. The truth is NO ONE knows what they are doing when they come to their first Lagree class. People will look at you, that is because everyone looks at everyone. Some people will be in better shape then you, and some people won’t. And all of that is OK.

Tips for a healthy Summer!!!
Summer not only brings warmer temps and long sunny days, it brings vacations and plenty of social gatherings. I’ve spent a lot of time over the past couple of weeks talking with clients about how to approach vacations, graduation parties, weddings, and now the upcoming 4th of July. I’ve coached them on how they can stay on track with nutrition and still be able to enjoy these fun events that are part of life. I truly believe we can enjoy all of these events without sabotaging our all of our healthy nutrition efforts.

Practitioners use neuroplastic tools to help people heal from illness, stroke, and other medical conditions. But ALL PEOPLE use neuroplastic techniques on a daily basis whether they’re aware of it or not. The brain is constantly changing depending on your habits, routines, thoughts, behaviors, and emotions.

Your Action Plan for Accountability
We are all guilty of fallen dreams and unmet goals. Life gets in the way... or is that an excuse I give myself when I do not have a plan in place to crush my difficult goals. BINGO! I used to believe that if I did not finish or maintain a goal for my life then I just didn't want it bad enough. That was also a good excuse to manage my guilt. The reality is, we are busy and we all need to create a plan that can be implemented into our life structure. Will we need to do a little clean up on time management and things that do not serve us, yes. It is all about the action plan and this is how you do it.

The Basics
At The Lagree Method, we get a lot of questions about what Lagree fitness is and what our classes are like. Lagree fitness is becoming one of the fastest-growing and most popular workouts in the fitness industry as it combines both resistance training and cardio into one calorie-burning, low impact, high-intensity workout.

5 Tips For Getting the Most Out of Your Lagree Workout
When it comes to the Lagree fitness method, we understand how confusing it may seem to newcomers. There are always new things to learn and ways to adjust in order to make the most out of your class — which is exactly why we are writing this! Today we will be going over five tips for making the most of your Lagree workout at The Lagree Method in Dublin, and if you have any questions or are looking to schedule a class, give us a call today!

A Guide to the Lagree Method Workout
At The Lagree Method in Dublin, we have seen our clients achieve results that have helped them with not only strengthening their body, but also their minds. At our Lagree studio, our focus is to teach the Lagree Method the way that it was designed to be taught by Sebastien Lagree himself, the creator of the workout. Our knowledgeable instructors teach the low intensity, high impact workout on the Megaformer machine which was exclusively designed by Sebastien Lagree himself specifically for the workout method.

Why You Need to Sign Up for a Lagree Workout Class Today
When it comes to choosing what kind of workout class to take, your options are virtually endless. Maybe you are looking for an intense weight workout or something a little more focused on improving your cardiovascular fitness. Or maybe you enjoy a solid mix of both. Regardless if you are a seasoned workout enthusiast or a beginner, there is one thing that never changes — you are constantly being bombarded with countless workout class options.

How The Lagree Method Is Taking Extra Precautions During COVID-19
With more and more businesses opening back up since the outbreak of COVID-19, it can be an uncomfortable time as we begin to go back to life as normal. That is why we are taking extra measures for the safety of our employees and our clients at The Lagree Method in order to help ease that worry of getting back into public fitness classes and prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

What’s the Difference Between Pilates and The Lagree Method?
In today’s post, we will be going over the main differences between these two workouts in order to provide you with a better understanding of the newer Lagree Fitness method. If you have other questions regarding Lagree workouts or would like to try it out for yourself, give us a call at The Lagree Method today!

Why You Need Low Impact Workouts
Working out is crucial to your overall fitness, especially in today’s society where most Americans have jobs where they sit the majority of the day at a desk in front of the computer. In order to stay healthy and/or lose weight or keep weight off, you need to do some form of movement that will elevate your heart rate and burn calories to keep you in overall good health.

What Are Macronutrients?
If you’ve been around the nutrition or the fitness world any time lately, you’ve probably heard the term “macronutrients.” This may be baffling to some, especially when it comes to diet and nutrition.

What High Intensity Workouts Do For You, Part 2
In today’s world where our entire life is one of convenience, from fast food to trash pickup service and food delivery, it can be incredibly challenging to be fit. After all, we aren’t performing hard labor all day long like our ancestors did hundreds of years ago. Thus, many of us battle weight gain and other health conditions, such as high blood pressure, that are caused by the lack of activity in our lives.

What High Intensity Workouts Do For You, Part 1
High intensity workouts have been around for a long time. In fact, professional athletes have been doing high intensity training for centuries. However, it seems like recently, high intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts are all the rage. Why is this so?

Everything You Need To Know About The Megaformer
You’ve been wanting to sign up for a new type of workout class since the start of the year, but the choices are overwhelming. With so many different types of classes, it can be difficult to decide which one is most suitable for you. All your friends are looking toned and fit, and the Lagree workout can get you there too! You’ve heard all the talk about the latest workout method, a low-impact, high-intensity workout derived from pilates — but what’s so great about it? Today’s post will dive into Lagree’s unique technology and how it can be beneficial for you.