What Are Macronutrients?

If you’ve been around the nutrition or the fitness world any time lately, you’ve probably heard the term “macronutrients.” This may be baffling to some, especially when it comes to diet and nutrition.

The Lagree Method is a boutique fitness studio in Dublin, Ohio, that offers Lagree Fitness. Founded by Sebastien Lagree, this method uses high intensity, low impact full body, muscular endurance training in order to help you lose weight, gain and/or tone muscle, and feel better about how you look. Below, we’ll take a look at macronutrients. Stop by today, and try a fitness class!



Macronutrients are what all of your food is made of. They are the nutrients your body needs to function, provide you energy, and grow. There are three macronutrients humans need to survive: protein, carbohydrates, and fat. Each of these macronutrients gives us energy when we need it. Let’s take a closer look at each.



Your body loves carbohydrates because it’s the easiest nutrient your body can break down and metabolize for energy. All of your major organs need carbohydrates, including your brain, kidneys, and heart, as well as your muscles. In fact, fats can only be used when carbohydrates are present. Most of your body’s important processes, such as tissue growth and repair and, of course, energy need carbohydrates.



Protein is the major component of most of your body’s cells. Protein is made up of amino acids. The body is made up of protein, and the protein’s amino acids help with new tissue, for growth, and to regulate and maintain your body’s functions. Protein is what is used for energy when all of the available carbohydrates are used up. Protein composes enzymes, which are used for digestion and immunity, as well as in hormones. 



Fats are important as well for your body. Fat is what protects and cushions your organs, helps you absorb vitamins found in food, and helps with overall brain development and cell functioning. Fats help with blood flow and help to regulate your metabolism. Of course, fat is your energy reserves for when you have to go a period of time without eating. It’s your body’s preferred way to store unused calories.



Besides the obvious reason that macronutrients help your body to survive and function, knowing macronutrients helps you to eat properly to fuel your body and to lose weight. It’s important that you balance out your macronutrient intake so that your body is getting enough fuel and that you aren’t inadvertently storing fat when you don’t want to be. Most experts recommend that you consume about 40% carbohydrates, 30% protein, and the rest in fat in order to stay healthy.



The Lagree Method in Dublin is passionate about fitness and health. Our fitness method will help you burn calories, lose weight, and gain muscle. We utilize high intensity interval training in a low impact way in order to create lasting changes in only 45 minutes a day. Visit our fitness studio today to get started!


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